Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

S2 Third Term

Finally, the final exam for the 3rd term has already passed.
Fiuh, I'm not feeling well enough about this exam... T__T
But let's forget about it! Think, think and think about it, may be I'm gonna sick and take a whole time resting in my bed, haha...
  • Services Oriented Architecture
  • Software Process Management
  • Information Discovery
Thank you for 4 months with all of you.
Mr. Victor & Mr. Muwasiq, thanks for the guidance in understanding what is SOA, its benefit of usage, potential workyard there, and also the suppression to have a business thinking. That was such a great time has you as my lecturers.

Mr. Cahya & Mr. Koro, full of SPM theory and concepts, this is great subjects, first experience has a Take Home Exam, very tired of doing it. Hopefully good results will come to me.

Mr. Agus & Mr. Bambang, Let's disco (read: information DISCOvery) crazy time! High analytical think to understand this subject, complicated one. But I love the subject which has calculation, numbers in it, not just theory and theory. But I realized, this subject is quiet hard to be understood @_@

That's all about 3rd term, great lecturers, great subjects, and also I hope great grades... hahaha... (let God deliver this writing to my lecturers)

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