Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Master Degree Accomplishment

Before you read this post, perhaps you need to see this link:

My master degree started on July 2010, finished on October 2011...
The terrible day on my master degree period come when entering the forth term. It is caused by after probably 2-3 months, I see that my thesis is not going to be done soon. One week before the dateline of submission, my thesis book is still in chapter 2, haven't start yet on chapter 3 while the coding progress wasn't reaching 40% done yet, how come with this situation!
At that time, I remembered that I just pray and pray, despite of overtime almost every day in finishing this thesis. Until it remained a few days more before the dateline while the thesis writing was still running, finally it's decided with heavily heart that I should take extended term :(

Revision queue list!
In times of this extended term, my partner Erwin, and me did the writing and application very quickly.
Big thank to Erwin who was doing it with hard works, overtime until 6 a.m almost every day. I'm so sorry if I just can do it till 2 a.m. I can't be so strong and 'comfortable' like you in coding :))
But however, it will be memorable times... hahaha...

Finally, by the end of September, we've done with all these tiring things

The journey has not finished yet.
Still on the way to thesis defense examination day...

And finally, that day has come...
10-10-2011, in abbreviation of 101011.
Poorly it can't be 101010 since it was Sunday, haha...
The final day come! The thesis defense examination!

While waiting for the examiners to come
The examiners have not come yet until 15 minutes passing the time, which should be 5 p.m.
Probably 17.20, they come and the situation became totally different, it is tense atmosphere :))

The marvelous one is that my friends, which is 25 to 30 friends come to support me, thank you all!!!! :D
Look at my great friends of mine below! It's only half of them...
examiners obsession haha,..
and when it started, we were 'killed' by the examiners. Too much weaknesses in this thesis :(( Oh my Godness!
In a short, we were asked to wait outside while they were discussing about our grades. Erwin and me thought that we won't be passed this exam, since it was so messy inside. Mostly question from the examiners, we can't describe it well.
Board of Examiners
Probably 15 to 20 minutes waiting outside, the examiners asked us to come in order to announce our grades.
First, they asked me whether how about our opinion about that exam. I can't say anything, just can say that we have done our best in finishing this thesis, we cannot expect something high with this thesis...

Great friends of mine!!! Love you all!
But, surprisingly, we got that grade! Pass with great grade...
I believe it's not because me, it's not because Erwin, it's not because our advisor, but it is because our Mighty God.
Big thank you to God, this is proving that He is the Alpha and Omega, not only He starts everything well (read my first blog post, click at the link above), but also He finishes everything well.

Also to all my friends who pray for us, that was worth things for us, without that prays we can't pass and get this marks.
Our great parents at home, we love you all father, mother, and great brother, and sister...

Our final thesis!
DONE! :)
Thank You!

Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

S2 Third Term

Finally, the final exam for the 3rd term has already passed.
Fiuh, I'm not feeling well enough about this exam... T__T
But let's forget about it! Think, think and think about it, may be I'm gonna sick and take a whole time resting in my bed, haha...
  • Services Oriented Architecture
  • Software Process Management
  • Information Discovery
Thank you for 4 months with all of you.
Mr. Victor & Mr. Muwasiq, thanks for the guidance in understanding what is SOA, its benefit of usage, potential workyard there, and also the suppression to have a business thinking. That was such a great time has you as my lecturers.

Mr. Cahya & Mr. Koro, full of SPM theory and concepts, this is great subjects, first experience has a Take Home Exam, very tired of doing it. Hopefully good results will come to me.

Mr. Agus & Mr. Bambang, Let's disco (read: information DISCOvery) crazy time! High analytical think to understand this subject, complicated one. But I love the subject which has calculation, numbers in it, not just theory and theory. But I realized, this subject is quiet hard to be understood @_@

That's all about 3rd term, great lecturers, great subjects, and also I hope great grades... hahaha... (let God deliver this writing to my lecturers)

Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

Odd Semester 2010/2011 - First period lecturing

September 2010, for the first time, I took my responsibility as a lecturer. Before teaching period begin, many preparations I've done with. Prepare and of course take a deep review for the whole materials, make the regulation at class, conduct with other senior lecturer to discuss about how to make assignments or projects in class and so on.

In this semester, I've been trusted to teach 6 classes with 2 different subjects, which is Metode Perancangan Program and Algoritma MOOP1. The total credit is 20sks. No idea that it will be such tiring activities. Teach 4 classes with same materials (MPP), means repeating same course 4 times. No problem with the other 2 classes, just twice and it needs many interactions with students because of kind of subject is algorithm.

But, after of all I passed this odd period, I considered that I enjoyed to teach.
Many people say "ageless" (read: awet muda) as youngs around, fell young again??? of course, i am still young actually sir! :p

Many types of students found.
pleasing, diligent, love to ask (haha...), strong focus, also lazy one, sleep in class, and even the "nyolot" one, wkwkwk...

As life must be better than the previous chapter, I hope the next semester will be better than this odd semester :D

These are some photos with the guys and gals:

Algoritma MOOP 1 class

01POM - SI



Metode Perancangan Program class
03PHT - TI


03POT - TI

03PPT - TI

03PPT - TI

Thesis Proposal Exam

Hoshhh, just passed the thesis proposal exam.
I'm relieved enough with this passing, though still a long way through to finish this thesis.

Thanks to Erwin Setiawan for the cooperation, struggle has not finished yet, keep going!:D
Thanks to Mr. Djon Irwanto for guiding us so far, hope we can finish this thesis just in time.
Thanks to Mr. Agus Prahono for the inputs to our thesis, those were something worthwhile for us to continue work on it.
Thanks to Tika, for documenting with so many photos, haha... you're great! :p

Oh no, suddenly awake, there are many other assignments to complete in this end of term 3... @_@